Daughter comforting elderly mother
Crane Rural Health Clinic
The Crane County Rural Health Clinic which provides healthcare services to the community from the hours of 8:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday is just next door to the hospital. The Clinic and the Hospital work in cooperation with each other to provide excellent medical services to the community. The clinic also hosts specialty clinic services for cardiology, administered by independent providers.
As A National Health Service Corps Site, We Promise to:
●Serve all patients●Offer discounted fees for patients who qualify
●Not deny services based on a person's: Race, Disability, Color, Religion, National origin, Inability to pay, Sex, Sexual Origin, Gender identity
●Accept insurance, Including: Medicaid, Medicare, Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
Servir a todos los pacientes
Ofrecer costos reducidos a los pacientes que califican
No negarle servicios a los personas debido a su: Raza, Incapacidad, Color, Religion, Sexo, Orientacion sexual, Origen nacional, incapacidad pard pagar, Identildad de genero
Aceptar seguros de salud, incluyendo: Medicaid, Medicare, CHIP (Programa de Seguro Medico para Ninos)