Female and Male Nurse standing outside of building and smiling
Visitor Information
Visit Your Loved Ones
●Visiting hours are from 8am to 9pm to promote a restful atmosphere; we ask that visitors be limited to two at a time.●Hospitalized children age 12 and under are required to have ONE adult stay with them at all times. Children over the age of 12 may have ONE adult stay overnight in the room. No other siblings or children will be permitted to stay overnight. Adult patients may be allowed ONE overnight visitor if the physician orders it or at the charge nurse's discretion.
●The adult that is staying with the child that is 12 and under will be provided a meal tray at each meal free of charge. The adult that is required by the physician or charge nurse to stay with a child over the age of 12 will be provided with free meals.
●Extra meals are $5.00/tray and must be ordered 2 hours before meal times. Tickets for guest trays are purchased in the business office.
●Personal phone calls are transferred to patient rooms between 8am and 9pm.
●Please do not visit friends or relatives in other rooms without first checking with the Charge Nurse. We try to prevent the spread of contagious diseases or illness from cross contamination. Please wash your hands upon arrival and departure of the hospital.
This is for your protection as well as the patient's.
Thank you,